"Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'"
Local Missions
Chattanooga, TN
Widows Harvest Ministries is a
service-oriented ministry seeking to worship God by responding to the needs of widows in distress.
Widows Harvest helps take responsibility for the ongoing care of widows, thus fulfilling the mandate in Isaiah 1:17,
"Defend the cause of the fatherless,
plead the case of the widow."
New Covenant serves alongside Widows Harvest on regular short term mission trips.
NGPC is a non-profit organization ministering to young women who are facing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy, and providing hope and healing to the whole family. The Center is funded by donations from individuals, churches, and organizations. They receive no government money and that is by choice. The counselors and teachers are all volunteers who have a heart for young families facing tough decisions. All services of the Center, located in Jasper, are free to their clients.
Pregnancy tests, first trimester ultrasound imaging, and medical and hospital referral.
Individual & family counseling, assistance, and referral.
Prenatal nutrition, childbirth preparation classes, and parenting classes in our “Earn While You Learn” program. (Clients in this program earn “Baby Bucks” for purchases in our store.)
Assistance for the mother and infant including: diapers, children’s clothing, infant furnishings, new car seats, and other children’s needs.
Educational videos, classes and speakers. Topics include Adoption, Post Abortion Syndrome, Sexual Abstinence, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Parenting, Drugs/Alcohol & Pregnancy, Prenatal Health, and more.
International Missions
Pastor Marco & Mrs. Ruth
Widows & Single Mothers Ministry
Monte Santo Church
Los Lirios, Guatemala
New Covenant supports Pastor Marco and Monte Santo Church's ministry to widows and singles on a monthly basis and annually on a short term mission trip. We help provide for their basic physical needs as well as teach Biblical truths about their identity and worth in Christ and in His church.
West Bengal, India
Asish & Soma
Founders of Bethel Primary School
New Covenant Bible Church fully funds Bethel Primary School and some of it's community outreach programs on an annual basis. Bethel Primary School is nestled in a small, rural Hindu community in West Bengal, India.
Adtional ways we supported in 2015-16
~ Christmas programs for Bethel Primary School & the Bible Club
~ AV equipment for the school & outreach programs
~ Construction of 2 classrooms, a balcony, and storage room
~ Funded the Bible Club & community outreach staff
Church Planting Ministry
Brother Mathew & Brother Asish
New Covenant has partnered with Brother Mathew (mentioned below) and Brother Asish (mentioned above) in a church planting ministry in West Bengal.
We have partnered with their ministry to host and fully fund 4-day teaching conferences for the church planters.
The conferences provide a concentrated time of teaching, expounding on the foundational truths of the Gospel and discipleship.
Our desire is to help equip each church planter with the knowledge and grace needed to go and make disciples.
We were able to host conferences in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Mathew & Crista
Founders of Samaria’s Hope Project
Samaria’s Hope Project is a threefold ministry among the women
trafficked into prostitution.
1) Samaria’s Hope Children’s Center provides a safe environment, loving home, and education for their children.
2) Samaria’s Hope School opened in 2014 as the first "school" within it's red light district, offering a formal christian education to their underprivileged
3) Samaria’s Hope Bible Club, Prayer Group, and Medical Clinic are provided for the women on a weekly basis to care for their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.