Rob Murphey
Lead Pastor
Pastor Rob grew up in a pastor’s home in the Chicago area where he heard the gospel and gave his life to Christ at a young age. He is a graduate of Bryan College and Dallas Theological Seminary, and has followed his passion for preaching and teaching God’s Word first in Texas and now in Georgia where he has served as the pastor of New Covenant Bible Church for the last 20 years. He has been married to Christie for over thirty years and has three daughters. He is a music lover and a life-long Chicago Cubs fan.
Bryan Gilde
Associate & Student Pastor
Bryan grew up in a Christian home and surrendered his life to Christ at an FCA camp in middle school. His life and walk with God was especially influenced by the high school youth group ministry of his church and Campus Outreach at Berry College, where a passion and knowledge for Christ was deeply instilled by these leaders. After being a farmer for 5 years, he was blessed to study at Southeastern Baptist Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary. He loves ministering to families by helping young men and women mature in Christ. He often challenges people to finish well the race they claim to have started. He is joyfully married to Sandra and they have two enthusiastic and beautiful little girls. You can visit his website
Dan Centurione
Lay Elder
Dan is a native of New Jersey, a Navy veteran, and has lived in the Atlanta area with his family for the past 26 years. For the first 32 years of his life he walked ‘without’ the Lord, however while living in Oregon in 1974 he committed his life to the Lord – and as he tells us – this was through the considerable efforts of his dear wife Kay, his children, and a dedicated group of men at Lake Grove Baptist Church. He studied music at both Glassboro State College and the Naval Conservatory of Music and has stayed involved in Christian music for the past 42 years. Dan and Kay have been married for 52 years and they have one daughter and 3 grandchildren.
Keith Nelson
Lay Elder
Keith grew up in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio and gave his life to Christ when he was in the sixth grade at a Skyview Baptist Ranch summer camp. He relocated to Georgia in 1989 to attend Toccoa Falls College earning a degree in middle grades education. He met his wife of 14 years, Kristy, while teaching in Cherokee County. Together, they are raising four children and spend many weekends watching them play ball. He has been a part of the New Covenant family since 2001.
Matt Rees
Lay Elder
Matt grew up in Michigan where he heard the gospel explained by a friend in sixth grade and he gave his life to Christ. He is a graduate of Auburn University where he was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ. It was on a CCC summer mission trip that he met his wife, Vicki. He has been married to Vicki for over twenty-eight years and they have two sons. Matt plays the guitar and enjoys running, triathlons, and flying. Matt has served the body of Christ at New Covenant in various ways, including leading worship in song and teaching Sunday School. He has also been a team member on some of New Covenant's mission trips to Guatemala, Kosovo, and India.
Nick Richardson
Lay Elder
Nick put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ at the age of 30. Nick and his bride, Connie, were married in 1978. They have two children and two grandchildren. Nick has served as an elder at New Covenant since 2008. He counts it all joy to serve each Sunday as the "worship in music" leader at NCBC. One of Nick's favorite spiritual pursuits (as quoted from Bob Kauflin) is to "magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit by skillfully combining God's Word with music, thereby motivating the gathered church to proclaim the gospel, to cherish God's presence, and to live for God's glory." He also has a passion to help couples understand God's plan for their relationship through "Art of Marriage" classes in the local church. Nick also serves on regular short term mission trips to India, where the Gospel is shared and Biblical fundamentals are taught to church planters.
Marc Teffeau
Lay Elder
Marc is a retired University of Maryland horticulturalist and adult/extension educator from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. He was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in the Maryland suburbs. He came to know Christ while a student at the University of Maryland – College Park in 1972. Both he and his wife Linda attended UMCP and were active in Campus Crusade for Christ. He has been married to Linda for 45 years. They have three sons who reside in Delaware, Maryland and Florida and have two grandchildren. Over Marc’s Christian journey he has served in various churches as Sunday School teacher, Sunday School Director, Elder, Deacon, nursery worker, pancake flipper, and egg cooker and bacon fryer for church breakfasts. He is currently a part – time student in the Master of Biblical Studies program at Reformed Theological Seminary – Atlanta Campus. Philippians 3:12 – 14.